About Me

My name is Adrienne Forst.  I am 28 years old and have been married for approximately 4 months today!  My husband Aaron and I have 3 dogs and a cat!  He studied biotechnology and nanotechnology, (whatever that is), and I am a nurse also studying finance and accounting.  We are avid motorcycle riders and participate in our church's motorcycle rally every year to profit the kids of La Gonave, Haiti get fresh water, food, and ministry.  We see movies all the time and one of our favorite things to do is see them on opening night...crazy I know but we don't camp out or anything!  We celebrate the Eve of Black Friday otherwise known as Thanksgiving because we feel the retail market has transformed this holiday.  

Our point exactly, although funny, let's all remember the true meaning of Christmas.  It's someone very special's birthday.

My husband protests buying anything Christmas until December 1, that is why I do all the Christmas shopping early and don't tell him!  I like to enjoy the month of December.  All of my presents are bought and wrapped so I can focus on family, baking, and all the beautiful Christmas lights!  We got engaged at The Christmas train last year on 12-11-10, and we just took our second trip there this past weekend to relive one of the most romantic days of my life!

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